Betty Carter: The Audience With Betty Carter (Betcar)
The Audience with Betty Carter is a 1980 live double album by the American jazz singer Betty Carter.
The album's first track, "Sounds (Movin' On)", is 25 minutes in length and features an epic scat solo. "The Trolley Song" is a nod to the city of San Francisco, where the album was recorded. The second half of the album features several songs written by Carter. The penultimate track is a fresh take on Rodgers and Hammerstein's "My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music, far different from the version by John Coltrane on his 1960 album of the same name. The set ends with the plaintive "Open the Door," Carter's signature tune.
The Audience With Betty Carter was first released on Carter's own Bet-Car Records and later reissued on Verve.
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