Red Clay, Freddie Hubbard full album видео, альбом Фредди Хаббард
The first Freddie Hubbard album released on Creed Taylor CTI label marked a shift away from Hubbard's recording with Blue Note Records. It was the album that established Taylor's vision for the music that was to appear on his labels in the coming decade. "Red Clay" is Freddie Hubbard's seventeenth overall album.
Freddie Hubbard's Red Clay starts off arguably the finest stretch of trumpeter's career. The album hints at jazz-rock fusion that would take over the 1970's, but still is strongly rooted in hard bop. The title track is a beautiful piece of music with Mr. Hubbard and saxophonist Joe Henderson perfectly melding their instruments together over the top of a slithering electric piano riff from Herbie Hancock. "The Intrepid Fox" is another classic with Mr. Hancock driving the song with some superb piano work and drummer Lenny White providing a sturdy backbeat. There is also a strong funk sound throughout the album and that is a sound Mr. Hubbard would move more towards as the decade progressed...(By P.Magnum on August 17, 2007;Amazon)
01.Red Clay (F.Hubbard)...(00:00)
02.Delphia (F.Hubbard)...(12:08)
03.Suite Sioux (F.Hubbard)...(19:30)
04.The Intrepid Fox (F.Hubbard)...(28:07).
1.Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
2.Joe Henderson - tenor saxophone, flute
3.Herbie Hancock - electric piano, organ
4.Ron Carter - bass, electric bass
5.Lenny White - drums.
Recorded:Van Gelder Studio,Englewood Cliffs;January 27-29,1970.
Label:CTI Records – CTI 6001
Engineer, Mastered By – Rudy Van Gelder
Photography By [Cover] – Price Givens
Producer – Creed Taylor.
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