The Bad Plus: These Are The Vistas (Columbia)
These Are the Vistas was the second studio album released by the jazz trio The Bad Plus, and the band's first album for a major label (Columbia Records). The album was the listening public's first widespread opportunity to hear the band, which Jim Fusilli of the Wall Street Journal called a "jazz power trio with a rock-and-roll heart". The album features several cover songs: Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit," Blondie's "Heart of Glass," and Aphex Twin's "Flim". In November 2009, NPR's All Songs Considered selected the album as one of the 50 "most important" recordings of the decade.
Из Гаванны в Рио с Дариэлем Рене. Концерт в высотке на Котельнической
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