Undercurrent, Bill Evans & Jim Hall full album видео, альбом Билл Эванс, Джим Холл
Undercurrent is a 1962 album by jazz pianist Bill Evans and jazz guitarist Jim Hall. They would collaborate again in 1966 for the follow-up album Intermodulation.
Personnel: Bill Evans (p) Jim Hall (gr)
Released: 1962
Recorded: April 24 & May 14, 1962 Sound Makers, New York City
Label: United Artists UAJS 15003
Producer: Alan Douglas
"My Funny Valentine" (Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart)
"I Hear a Rhapsody" (Jack Baker, George Fragos, Dick Gasparre)
"Dream Gypsy" (Judith Veveers)
"Romain" (Jim Hall)
"Skating in Central Park" (Lewis)
"Darn That Dream" (DeLange, Van Heusen)
"Stairway to the Stars" (Malneck, Parish, Signorelli)
"I'm Getting Sentimental Over You" (Bassman, Washington)
"My Funny Valentine [Alternate Take]
"Romain" [Alternate Take]
In his November 26, 1962 review for Down Beat magazine jazz critic Pete Welding states: "This collaboration between Evans and Hall has resulted in some of the most beautiful, throughly ingratiating music it has been my pleasure to hear..."
The front cover image for Undercurrent is Toni Frissell's photograph "Weeki Wachee Spring, Florida". The album was originally released on United Artists, then reissued by Solid State in 1968. More recently, the album was reissued on EMI/Blue Note (in fact, both Blue Note and United Artists Records have been owned for a long time by EMI). The original LP and the first CD reissue featured a cropped, blue-tinted version, overlaid with the title and the Blue Note logo in white; but for the most recent (24-bit remastered) CD reissue, the image has been restored to its original black-and-white coloration and size, without lettering.
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