The Stanley Clarke Band в Доме Музыки
Когда снято: 18 апреля 2019
Где снято: Московский Международный Дом Музыки
На фотографиях: Stanley Clarke
Легенда джазовой музыки, обладатель едва ли не всех мыслимых музыкальных наград Стэнли КЛАРК приехал со своей группой The Stanley Clarke Band в Россию, чтобы порадовать истинных ценителей джаза и джаз-фьюжна. В этом году Stanley Clarke дал два концерта - с Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. Накануне гастрольного тура Маэстро ответил на несколько вопросов - специально для
- You said once "What’s cool about bass players is that they come from all different starting points" And what is your starting point? Would you please tell our readers about first instruments you were playing?
My family was very musical. My mother bought a piano when I was seven or eight. I was extremely excited about this and even though I didn’t have formal piano lessons until much later, I played quite a bit and develop some understanding of the instrument. I would try to pick out songs that I heard on the radio. I was not very good at this, but the effort did create some evolution in my music abilities.
I've told the story before, but when I was about 12 we were suppose to pick out an instrument to be in the school band. I was late and all that was left was a tuba, a bass drum and an acoustic bass. I didn't want the others, so I chose the acoustic bass. It was meant to be!!
The double bass is my first instrument and is the only instrument that I really studied. I put many hours into studying the acoustic bass. I didn’t really study the electric bass. That was more fun and I sort of picked it up (интервью полностью тут >>)
Джазовая кухня с Ильёй Зыряновым. Special guest - Михаил Марышев (фортепиано)
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