Out to Lunch!, Eric Dolphy full album видео, альбом Эрик Долфи
Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo, Repress, Germany - Year Unknown
Blue Note — BST 84163 K
1080p - 60fps
00:00 - - - A1 — Hat And Beard (Eric Dolphy) - - - (8.24)
08:35 - - - A2 — Something Sweet, Something Tender (Eric Dolphy) - - - (6.02)
14:41 - - - A3 — Gazzelloni (Eric Dolphy) - - - (7.22)
22:02 - - - End Side a)
22:21 - - - B1 — Out To Lunch (Eric Dolphy) - - - (12.06)
34:33 - - - B2 — Straight Up And Down (Eric Dolphy) - - - (8.19)
42:56 - - - End Side b)
Freddy Hubbard - trumpet
Eric Dolphy - alto sax, flute & bass clarinet
Bobby Hutcherson - vibes (vibraphone)
Richard Davis - bass
Tony (Anthony) Williams - drums
Recorded at Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ; February 25, 1964.
Recording by Rudy Van Gelder
Producer - Alfred Lion
Cover Photo and Design by Reid Miles
(User of Wide Range equipment should adjust their controls for RIAA curve.)
Printed in U.S.A.
Notes (Discogs):
Liberty pressing. "Made in Germany" stamped in the runout grooves. The sleeve is identical to the US edition. Printed in U.S.A. The address is 43 West 61st St., New York 23.
The catalog number on the sleeve is BLP-4163/84163 (Blue Note Stereo 84163 on spine).
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